
Ambassador Sunday School Series: Level 4

Level 4: The Apostles' Creed

Studies based on the three Articles of the Apostles' Creed and their meanings


Qtr. 1

The Father: Creator – This quarterly introduces the Creed, develops a greater understanding of who God is, and teaches the basic truths of God as our Creator, Provider, and Protector.


Qtr. 2

The Son: Redeemer – Twelve lessons teaching the basic truths of the second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ: True God, True Man, Prophet, Priest, and King. The basics of salvation are clearly taught.

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Qtr. 3

The Holy Spirit: Sanctifier – The third Person of the Trinity is presented. Bible texts clearly present the person of the Holy Spirit and His work. Specific lessons on the Law, the Gospel, and the Sacraments are included.

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Qtr. 1: Overview, Sample Lessons, Teacher Manual (downloadable)

Qtr. 2: Overview, Sample Lessons, Teacher Manual (downloadable)

Qtr. 3: Overview, Sample Lessons, Teacher Manual (downloadable)