Ambassador Sunday School: Preschool
Preschool: Teach Me God's Word
Through select Old and New Testament Bible stories, young children are introduced to the amazing power of God and the great love He has shown for us in sending Jesus to be our Savior.

Qtr. 1
Old Testament stories about the Creation, the first promise of a Savior, Noah, Moses, Jericho, David, the fiery furnace, Jonah, and Daniel, all demonstrate God’s great power.BUY NOW

Qtr. 2
New Testament stories about Jesus’ birth and ministry on earth tell how God sent Jesus to be our Savior and gives eternal life to all who believe. Includes Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany now

Qtr. 3
Old and New Testament lessons teach about different people in the Bible whom God called to be His servants. Includes Lent, Easter, and Pentecost now