Modified Sunday School Curriculum
Modified Sunday School or Wednesday Night Teaching Option
Many churches are considering new ways to effectively provide Christian education. Are you exploring an intergenerational or home option with one theme or focus for all?
Try studying the Ten Commandments or the Lord’s Prayer or the Apostles’ Creed this year using mid-level curriculum for children, along with Luther’s Large Catechism with Study Questions or Luther’s Small Catechism in Illustration Study Guide for youth and adults.
The Ten
CommandmentsChildren study each of the Ten Commandments and learn how they point us to Christ and help us to live as God’s people. The 36-lesson series spends three lessons on each commandment. Written activities and a variety of optional interactive classroom activities help students apply God’s truth. Memorization of the commandments and related Scripture verses is encouraged in each lesson.

The lord's
PrayerLessons based on the Introduction, Petitions, and Conclusion of The Lord’s Prayer encourage children to pray to our Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name.
The Apostles'
creedThree studies based on the three Articles of the Creed and their meanings.

The Small
Catechismthe large